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Herniated Slipped Disc Chiropractic Treatment

Herniated Disc Chiropractor in Los Angeles, CA

Bass Chiropractic offers affordable chiropractic care for herniated disc issues. We can ease your pain so you can get more out of life. Book now for an initial consultation to start your chiropractic treatment for a herniated disc.

Why See a Disc Chiropractor in Los Angeles?

Chiropractic care for herniated discs involves the use of non-invasive procedures, including spinal manipulation. A chiropractor slipped disc treatment can address your pain and related symptoms without surgery or medication.
Disc herniation often occurs due to gradual wear and tear. As you age, your discs become less flexible. Excessive strains and injuries can also lead to herniated discs. Slipped or bulging discs can cause pain in the arms and legs, numbness, weakness, and other forms of discomfort.
A herniated disc chiropractor can treat your problem using various adjustments to relieve stress in key areas of the body. Seeing a chiropractor for slipped disc treatments offers the following advantages compared to other forms of treatment:
  • No surgery required
  • Avoid pain medications
  • Reduce the risk of future herniated discs
Chiropractic treatment for herniated discs involves identifying and treating the core issue causing your pain. A disc chiropractor from Bass Chiropractic is ready to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover.
We start by discussing your symptoms and learning more about your lifestyle. A herniated disc chiropractor then establishes a treatment plan and starts relieving your pain using the most effective techniques.
Book with a skilled chiropractor for bulging disc relief today!

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